CAD CAM Solutions
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
- +1 770 982 3400
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CAD/CAM Solutions is the Authorized Mastercam Reseller for the Southeast, serving Georgia, Alabama and Eastern Tennessee. We sell and support the leading CAD/CAM product, Mastercam. If you are looking for an easier way to cut or design parts, Mastercam can be your solution. It is powerful, flexible, also easy to use and learn.
Our hands on training course includes real world projects so you can apply your skills on the job quickly. And, if you are already familiar with Mastercam, we have classes on the newest features to enhance your skills.
From their shop, customers can send us drawings or files via e-mail to receive a timely response. Over the phone consultations are also available.
Our award winning service & support is what we strive to offer customers everyday. And we thank them for making this our 9th Anniversary.
In 1994, with extensive manufacturing experience, Allen Drost Jr., founded CAD/CAM Solutions, Inc.
In 1996, Steve Landkamer came on board bringing 10 years of computer hardware and software knowledge. Steve is our post processing and DNC expert.
Wayne White of Whiteway CAD, our authorized sub dealer in Manchester, TN, has almost 20 years of shop experience and Mastercam expertise.