Silicon Inc.
- PO Box 190335Boise Idaho 83719Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
- +1 208 922 -5046
- +1 208 922 -1244
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Silicon Wafers for the Semiconductor Industry from Silicon Inc.
Silicon Inc. provides prime, test and reclaim silicon wafers in diameters from 1 inch to 12 inch. Our staff has over 30 years experience in the manufacture and sales of silicon wafers.
Click the links below for more information about our silicon wafers. 1 & 2 inch silicon wafers 3 inch silicon wafers
100 mm silicon wafers 125 mm silicon wafers
150 mm silicon wafers 200 mm silicon wafers
300 mm silicon wafers Special order silicon wafers Silicon Test Wafers and Reclaiming . . . Silicon Inc. is a supplier of SEMI spec. Prime and Test silicon wafers. Also, we have available reclaiming services (etching, polishing and silicon wafer cleaning). Let Silicon Inc. provide your fab, University, or research center with silicon wafers from solar to prime grades. We supply cleaner silicon wafers.
We often may have your specification in stock from our inventory of over one million silicon wafers, from one inch to twelve inch diameter. We specialize in smaller orders and unique specifications.
We increase reclaim silicon wafer yields with an aggressive, 100% sort method, and efficient etch and polish processes.
Solor grade wafers sold internationly.
We’d like to quote your silicon wafer specifications. Contact our Sales Department today for any information you need about silicon wafers