Silicon Quest International, Inc.
- 1230 Memorex Drive95050 Santa Clara, CaliforniaVereinigte Staaten von Amerika
- +1 800 959 -3556
- +1 408 496 -1000
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Founded in 1991, Silicon Quest International, Incorporated has become a leading international source for silicon wafers, semiconductor materials and wafer processing services. Our main manufacturing is located in the heart of Silicon Valley, in Santa Clara, California. A second manufacturing facility is located in Reno, Nevada. These facilities continue to expand as we add more services and products as our customers demand.
The key to our success is providing our customers with superior service and exceptional quality. Silicon Quest International’s Quality Management System has been awarded the ISO:9001:2000 certification from the American International Registrars. We are also a member of SEMI, and provide wafers that conform to SEMI standards.
Our team includes representatives in Europe, Asia, and in the United States in order to satisfy our domestic and overseas customers. Silicon Quest International is the sole U.S. distributor of Float-Zone products from Topsil.Our mission is to provide a quality product to all of our customers.