Das B2B Portal der Halbleiter- und Mikroelektronikbranche
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Topsil Semiconductor Materials A/S

Produkte und Leistungen als Unternehmenstyp:

      /* Standardmäßig 3 Spalten */
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    if (($key = array_search('category', $all_taxonomies)) !== false) {
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    foreach ($all_taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
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    foreach ($all_taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
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        if ($terms && !is_wp_error($terms)) {
            echo '<div id="tab-' . $taxonomy . '" class="tab-content' . ($tab_index == 0 ? ' active' : '') . '">';
            echo '<div class="pro-leistungen-grid">';
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                echo '<div class="pro-leistungen-listitem">' . $term->name . '</div>';
            echo '</div>';
            echo '</div>';
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Topsil is a Danish public company listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. The head office and plant of Topsil is situated in Frederikssund, Denmark. The company is a global player that primarily operates throug direct sales, but also through agents in remote markets in the US, China, Taiwan and Korea.We are constantly moving closer to our customers and suppliers to optimise the products. We believe in partnership and alliances.

Through product development, market forecasting and long term agreements we are able to create customer value.Strategy:Topsil operates in the niche market for float zone silicon (DKK 2bn) and targets small and medium-sized customers in the semiconductor industry.

The main product groups are NTD for the high power market and HPS for specialized products. The secondary product group is PFZ for f.inst. energy saving motor controls.

In marketing flexibility and customer guidance are the most important differentiation parameters.
Topsil is committed to quality in every aspect of operation. In order to send a clear signal to present and future customers, our quality policy is certified according to ISO 9001:2000 accomplished and maintained by Lloyd’s Register of Quality Assurance.


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